Why Kouba Blake Accounting?
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Important Information & Dates
Professional service provided by a dedicated, reliable and friendly team.
No problem is too large or too small.
Work with one partner at all times
Access to expert knowledge on a range of taxation and superannuation matters.
Free initial consultation.
Business and Personal Tax returns and accounting
Self Managed Superannuation Funds
Business advice and structure selection assistance
Fringe Benefits Tax
Financial statement preparation
Tax planning
ASIC form preparation and lodgement
Work with MYOB, Xero, Quickbooks and Reckon, either online or desktop versions
Due to the ongoing economic consequences of the Corona virus, the Government has announced measures aimed at keeping businesses going and employees in work.
The immediate write-off for business asset purchases has been increased to $150,000 from March 12th 2020 and will apply until 31st December 2020. Eligible businesses must have a turnover less than $500 million.
Employers will receive a refund of 100% of their PAYG Withholdings declared on their March and June BAS. For monthly PAYG Withholders, the March amount will be multiplied by 3 and the April, May and June amounts taken as normal. This refund will come automatically from the ATO after the lodgement of your BAS/IAS forms. There is a cap of $50,000 on these refunds.
This refund amount will be doubled between July and October
Contact Us:
Phone: 07 3808 6794 Unit 2, Level 1 Aushomes House, 54-66 Perrin Drive Underwood Qld 4119